Summary:Having the correct type of safety lanyards will ensure that you are safe on the job. Safety lanyards are available in a variety of
forms, such as se...
forms, such as self retractable lifelines, Y-shaped lanyards, and shock-absorbing lanyards. All of these lanyards have one thing in
common: they are designed to keep you safe in case you fall.
Whether you're installing a new fall protection system or looking for a replacement for an existing one, shock-absorbing lanyards are
a crucial safety component. They help reduce the force on a worker's body in a fall and lessen the possibility of injury. They are a
common part of personal fall arrest systems.
There are two types of shock-absorbing lanyards, which are internal and external. Internal lanyards use an internal braking system to
help reduce the force on a worker's body. They are made of a special woven inner core that expands to absorb fall arrest forces. The
outer layer of the lanyard serves as a back-up web lanyard.
In order to be effective, shock-absorbing lanyards must be inspected before use. These inspections can be carried out by a competent
person, who will review all potential hazards, as well as the equipment's design.